Shooting proposals is just so. much. fun. We love using our knowledge of the area to help plan the location, timing, and plausible cover stories!
Proposing on the Shore Path in Bar Harbor, Maine
Mitch reached out to us the week before he and Kiya arrived in Bar Harbor. He decided to propose while they were here on vacation and was hoping we could secretly capture the proposal and take engagement photos afterwards.
We proposed (see what we did there?) the Shore Path in downtown Bar Harbor. He had dinner reservations at Havana, so a romantic stroll along the Shore Path on their way to dinner would give a plausible reason as to why they were dressed up to walk along the ocean.
We sent a map marked with the ideal spot, photos of the approach so he knew exactly where it was, and a timing window. But how do you hide two photographers on an open path? Pretend to be taking photos of someone else! Laurel posed with the kids while Brian shot over their shoulders using a telephoto lens. Once Mitch got down on one knee and Kiya’s undivided attention was on him, Laurel spun around to shoot as well.
There’s nothing better than the glow and rushing emotions of the newly engaged.
Congrats again to this wonderful couple, and thank you for letting us be part of your special day!
Thinking of proposing in Acadia or Bar Harbor? Reach out about a proposal plan that might work for you!